Friday, September 23, 2011

Repairing Blue Screen

After you’ve had a blue screen either or your pc won’t start, you’ll probably worry and want your important files to be recovered.


1. Remove hard drive from the non-working pc.
2. Install it on another working pc. This will perform an automatic scan. If it doesn’t, set up a manual scan. This checks what causes the error, this file can be deleted manually.

Go to my computer, instead of open, choose “explore”. This will show the lists of your drives. Choose the hard drive you removed from the non working pc. Open it to access all your files. Go to the Windows directory to manually delete file that shows up in the blue screen.

You may need to copy your files to ensure data has a back up in case you may need to reformat your pc.

Setting up a Manual Scan/Checkdisk

To perform a manual checkdisk or scan, go to your drive and click properties. A window will appear. Click on the TOOLS tab, and then go to error checking, click check now. On the check disk options, click the two checkboxes then start. It will prompt the user to restart the computer and perform a disk check upon its start up. After the drive has been checked and error shown in the blue screen is removed. You may reinstall it again on the non working computer.

NOTE: If the scan did not find error/s, you will have to reinstall windows or a new operating system on the non-working personal computer(pc).

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