Monday, March 5, 2012

10 Tips for Safe Internet Surfing

 Surfing I found this information and it seemed a good idea to make them accessible for safer internet surfing.
 On the occasion of Internet Day celebrated worldwide on May 17, it is necessary to consider these "10 tips for navigating the Internet safely" and avoid being victims of Viruses, Fraud, Hackers, Crackers, Malware and other threats network.
  1. Avoid suspicious links: One of the most used to direct victims to malicious sites are hyperlinks or links. Avoid clicking on them prevents access to websites that have threatened to infect the user. Links may be present in an email, a chat or a message on a social network: the key is to analyze if offered in a suspicious situation (an invitation to view a photo in a language other than their own, for example ), come from an unknown sender or forwarded to a website unreliable.
  2.  No access to objectionable Web sites: Through social engineering, many websites are often promoted with data that may alert the user - such as discounts on the purchase of products (or even free offers), fruits or materials exclusive news, multimedia, etc.. It is recommended for safe navigation the user is aware of these messages and avoid accessing websites with these features.
  3.  Updating the operating system and applications: The user must keep updated with the latest security patches not just the operating system, but also the software installed on your system to prevent the spread of threats through vulnerability that has the system.
  4.  Download applications from the official websites: Many sites pretend to offer popular programs that are altered, modified or supplanted by versions that contain some type of malware and malicious code downloaded when the user installs the system. Therefore, it is recommended that when you do download applications ever since the official websites.
  5. Use technology security: antivirus, firewall and antispam applications represent the most important to protect the computer against the main threats that spread through the Internet. Using these technologies reduces the risk and exposure to threats.
  6.  Avoid entering personal information into forms : When the user is faced with a web form fields containing sensitive information (eg username and password), you should verify the legitimacy of the site. A good strategy is to verify the domain and using the HTTPS protocol to ensure confidentiality of information. Thus, it may prevent phishing attacks that try to obtain sensitive information via the simulation of a trusted entity.
  7.  Use caution with the results generated by search engines: Through techniques of Black Hat SEO , attackers tend to position their sites ranked among the top positions on search engine results, especially in cases of keyword searches widely used by the public, such as current affairs, news extravagant or popular topics (eg, sports and sex). If any of these searches, the user must be aware of the results and verify what is being linked websites.
  8. Accept only known contacts: For both IM clients and social networks, you should accept and interact with known contacts only. This will prevent access to the profiles created by attackers to communicate with victims and exposed to various threats such as malware, phishing, cyberbullying or other.
  9.  Avoid suspicious executable files: The spread of malware is usually done through executable files. It is advisable to avoid the execution of files unless you know the safety of yourself and your reliable source (whether it comes from a contact to IM, email or a website). When downloading files from P2P networks, so it is suggested to analyze prior to its execution with a security solution.
  10. Use strong passwords: Many Internet services are protected with a password, so as to protect the privacy of information. If this password is simple or common (widely used among users), an attacker could guess and therefore to hack like the real user. For this reason we recommend the use of strong passwords, to different types of characters and a length of at least 8 characters.
 As always, good practices serve to increase the level of protection and are the best accompaniment for security technologies. Whereas the latter are responsible to prevent the likelihood of some type of incident, user education achieved this less exposed to threats, something that surely any reader will want to use the Internet daily.
 We take the day in question to celebrate with you the existence of the Internet, along with everyone from the place trying to make use of the technologies for better and safer experience.
Tags:Trickslove tricks,PC tricks,Computer tricks,Pc tricks,Internet tricks,safe browsing tricks,Internet tips

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